Sønder Boulevard 98
1720 Copenhagen
Tobias Scheel Mikkelsen
+45 6165 1613
· www.tobiasmik.dk
· www.rapportlayout.dk
· www.explainer-animation.dk
Contact / Info
My specialties are publication design and explainer animation but take on a wide range of design tasks
Experienced graphic designer
I always aim for a practical solution within all areas of design and I switch seamlessly between on and offline graphic design jobs. I build the design-solution around the clients wishes and needs while ensuring the overall visual quality.
My strongest skills are my marketing experience and the ability to layout, illustrate and code the solutions myself or to act as project lead if necessary.
Flexible freelancer
During projects I work in a closed loop with the clients marketing/communication team as a freelance graphic designer, illustrator and digital designer. I can handle all the production stages in a long range of marketing projects such as explainer animations, SoMe campaigns and print-layout of flyers and longer publications. I am always available within office hours and take an honour in executing minor (but important) corrections as fast as possible - which makes me a natural and flexible part of your organisations marketing/communication department.
Get a quick summary of my work and my references
in my PDF-portfolio and my CV.
Please call or write to discuss your design project
Tobias Scheel Mikkelsen, tlf. 6165 1613, tobias@whatwedo.dk