Infographics for school book

Infographics for school book

—  infographics · information graphics · graphic design · educattion

We delivered a large bundle of infographics for a 130 page publication published by The Danish Ministry of Education. The publcation contains recommendations for science teachers in the Danish school system.

The curcuit of water is essential to the conditions of life on earth

The curcuit of water is essential to the conditions of life on earth

Nuclear fission is a chain reaction which realeases massive amounts of energy.

Nuclear fission is a chain reaction which realeases massive amounts of energy.

Gravity keeps the planets in orbit around the sun and keeps the moon in its orbit around earth.

Gravity keeps the planets in orbit around the sun and keeps the moon in its orbit around earth.

The global sea currents are of great importance to climate on earth.

The global sea currents are of great importance to climate on earth.

The earths tectonic plates and their direction of movement.

The earths tectonic plates and their direction of movement.

The planetary boundaries proposed by Johan Rockström from Stockholm Resilience Centre is a measure for human influence to earths climate and eco systems.

The planetary boundaries proposed by Johan Rockström from Stockholm Resilience Centre is a measure for human influence to earths climate and eco systems.

The periodic table was first proposed by the chemist Dmitrij Mendeleev.

The periodic table was first proposed by the chemist Dmitrij Mendeleev.

The Discovery of the cosmic radiation was responsible for the wide acknowledgement of the big bang theory as the standard theory for the creation of the universe.

The Discovery of the cosmic radiation was responsible for the wide acknowledgement of the big bang theory as the standard theory for the creation of the universe.

Global demand for natural rubber has lead to restructuring of big forest and farminf areas in the Southeast Asia with a fall in biodiversity as the consequence.

Global demand for natural rubber has lead to restructuring of big forest and farminf areas in the Southeast Asia with a fall in biodiversity as the consequence.

The evolutiontree shows how the different species has one common ancestor.

The evolutiontree shows how the different species has one common ancestor.

Collection of CO2 and injection into geological formations can contribute to lower the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere

Collection of CO2 and injection into geological formations can contribute to lower the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere

The clearing of massive areas of forest on the entire globe leads to declining biodiversity.

The clearing of massive areas of forest on the entire globe leads to declining biodiversity.

Example of a biomass curcuit.

Example of a biomass curcuit.